Spirit Baby Oracle

Soul Answers from Spirit Baby


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Spirit Baby Oracle- Soul Answers from Spirit Baby

Spirit Baby Oracle cards are easy to use, simple, inspiring, and motivating.  The purpose of the spiritual baby deck is for you to use as an intuitive tool to build heart skills with spirit baby communication.  It can promote  awareness, give hope on challenging days, support your psychic connections, and bring healing.  

How do you use the Spirit Baby Oracle deck?  You get 35 cards that have a variety of inspirational and empowering messages that are from your baby in spirit and in womb.  Spirit baby communication is not just from meditation, but other ways of communication are valuable with: creative art, vibrations of music, animals signs, symbolisms, night time dreams, intuitive writing, psychic messages, and more.  

Each deck comes with instructions and an intention prayer card. 

You can pick 1-3 cards (or more) each day or weekly. Be mindful and heartful of the message(s) you receive. Meditate with it, journal about it, use other oracle or Tarot cards as well--be creative.  

For example, you can ask a question like:

  • "What do you want to tell me?" 

  • "What do I need today?"

  • "What do you need today?"

  • "What do you need for us to connect?

The perfect card is always shared from your Spirit Baby, spirit child, or child of light. You cannot pick the wrong card or message. You can also involve your family by having parents, siblings, or close friends pick.

How Spirit Baby Oracle deck serves you:

  • Conception/Fertility: Provides intuitive support to build a relationship of preparation and connection before pregnancy. The cards can support natural conception, and or intervention conception within: IUI, IUF, embryo adoption, sperm donation, surrogacy, and child adoption. 

  • Pregnancy: Trusting intuition by providing insights about what baby needs from you in each trimester and into labor and birth with supportive communicating messages with pre-birth communication. 

  • Birth Loss/Miscarriage/Still Birth/Abortion & Infancy Loss After Life: The messages allow you to deepen your connection and get validation of signs and messages from your light child. Supporting you in your grief, love, and bonding with your spirit child of light.​