Spirit Baby Collective/ Tier 2 - Master Level Support


TRY out- 1 time BUY NOW OR enroll monthly visit https://www.newearthchildren.com/spiritbabycollective

This MONTHLY membership is for CONCEPTION into Pregnancy. You get support for the new energy of our times that welcomes: change, momentum, up-leveling, and alignment with Energy Birth Psychology methods within Conception and ways to get clarity with Spirit Baby Communication intuitive practices.

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TRY out- 1 time BUY NOW OR enroll monthly visit https://www.newearthchildren.com/spiritbabycollective

This MONTHLY membership is for CONCEPTION into Pregnancy. You get support for the new energy of our times that welcomes: change, momentum, up-leveling, and alignment with Energy Birth Psychology methods within Conception and ways to get clarity with Spirit Baby Communication intuitive practices.

Spirit Baby Immersion - SERIES
Spirit Baby Immersion - SERIES
Sale Price:$33.00 Original Price:$99.00

TRY out- 1 time BUY NOW OR enroll monthly visit https://www.newearthchildren.com/spiritbabycollective

This MONTHLY membership is for CONCEPTION into Pregnancy. You get support for the new energy of our times that welcomes: change, momentum, up-leveling, and alignment with Energy Birth Psychology methods within Conception and ways to get clarity with Spirit Baby Communication intuitive practices.

Ongoing Support for Conception to Pregnancy

This tier is perfect for those seeking deeper connection to the energies of conception and pregnancy, with more personal support within a group setting. This can be so healing in active TCC (natural/ IVF/ and or birth loss support with miscarriage/ stillbirth and termination. 

Included in Tier 2:


    • Private message focused on energy centers to unlock and align your energy through private voice msg on Whatsapp or Instagram. 1- 3xs a month only.

    • Spirit Baby Oracle Message: Guidance to stay on track with your spirit baby.

  • LIVE / REPLAY Access:

    • Attend one live session per month or catch the replay at your convenience.

    • Monthly Messages & Meditation to support your journey.

  • Access to Resources:

    • Enjoy the Meditation Library and additional supportive materials.

  • Updates on the Future:

    • Stay informed about the Future of New Earth Children and trends for 2025 and beyond.

  • Community Support:

    • Join a group of like-hearted and like-minded individuals for healing conversations.

  • Access to Workshops & Events:

    • Free access to workshops and events, plus discounts on larger programs.

  • BONUS:

    • Access to the New Earth Pregnancy - Baby Communication group for additional support and insights.